Regular consumption of extra virgin olive oil helps to keep us healthy. We have already dedicated an extensive article on how to use it, cooked or raw, in our blog that you can consult by clicking here, but let's see what its main benefits are.
Less bad cholesterol
Extra virgin olive oil has many virtues that make it a very valuable ally for our health, first of all it helps to regulate the blood cholesterol level. There are many studies that show that a daily consumption of raw extra virgin olive oil significantly reduces the amount of LDL cholesterol (the so-called 'bad' cholesterol). High levels of LDL cholesterol cause the formation of plaques in our arteries which over time can cause heart attacks and strokes. Extra virgin olive oil helps to lower the level of bad cholesterol while the 'good' cholesterol or HDL is not altered in the slightest. Therefore, the consumption of extra virgin olive oil not only flavours dishes but also helps to prevent the risk of cardiovascular disease.
More benefits
EVO oil is also the most digestible of fats, it protect the intestinal mucous membranes, reduces the tendency of constipation and provides fat-soluble vitamins and essential fatty acids that perform multiple anticancer, antioxidant protective and anti-inflammatory functions for the cardiovascular system.
Take a teaspoon full of quality extra virgin olive oil 30 minutes before breakfast.
Only use extra virgin olive oil raw.

Discover our various products and buy 100 % Italian extra virgin olive oil directly from our shop online!